Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Locking horns.

Alex commissioned a pic for a work friend's baby shower. He gave me a curt "She likes sheep" and left me to my devices. I paged through our Mother Goose, double checked the appropriateness factor, and opted for Baa Baa Black Sheep.

On giving him the piece, he refused to bring it in.

"There's no way I'm giving this to her in front of an office of women. It looks like a demon goat."

"Why on earth not? And it's a long-horned ram. Technically a sheep."

"It's the devil and it's roaring damnation down on your audience."

"It's bleating. It's just been sheared, for chrissakes. He's a little testy."

"No one is going to hang this in a nursery. It's the sort of thing that scars children. And grandparents."

"It's the sort of thing that kids appreciate later on."

"It looks like the cover of a Tenacious D album. No."


Greg said...

The dismal trees, bleak sky and ghostly, cowering sheep in the background don't really seem like the bright cheery stuff you'd find at a crib.

You give this to a baby, you're going to end up with a person with a genuine mentality along the lines of what Marilyn Manson pretends to be.

It's a pretty cool picture, though.

GabsOSteel said...

i didn't even notice the cowering sheep in the back because the black sheep was terrifying me. in a good way, for adults. maybe if you did it more in pastels? she also likes stars. and the color green, but not as much as me.

Scott said...

Personally, I think it's stunning, along with all your other work. It would, without a doubt, cause my children psychological damage beyond what I have already inflicted on them, which is kind of not good.

Barren trees and cowering sheep not withstanding, the main focal point does seem a bit demonic. But, hey, wouldn't you if someone just shaved your entire body in public?

Jess said...

that's my point. between the stigma of being a "black sheep" and the added humiliation of being publically shorn, it doesn't exactly scream cutesy.