Thursday, June 09, 2005

What are the odds that any one of them was radioactive?

My lower left leg has been acting the part of Tasty Morsel this summer, proving to be absolutely irresistable to insects. First there were the multitudes of mosquitoes that left what I assume to be some satanic pattern of bites around my ankle. Then there's the violent welt on my tendon that I've simply been calling Mr. Spidey. And now the bee sting on my heel.
Who's to say what the injection of three types of insect poison into one area of my body is going to do, but I'm hoping for great things, people.

In the meantime, I'm playing dutiful invalid and occupying the couch. The baking soda poultice helped not at all. The ice pack served only to turn the entire foot blue. Perhaps some Mr. Veggie pizza will do the trick. Updates on my progress will be coming, but keep your fingers crossed for the appearance of either wings or the intense desire to eat my progeny.

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