Saturday, July 02, 2005


Last night was the deep breath before the plunge.

We did some prepwork. Bought a disposable camera, buffered the fridge with beer, stocked up on salsa, made a couple of lists, washed the linens, cleaned the tapestries. Then we sat on the porch until two, slowly exhaling smoke from our last two cigarettes and listening to the Friendship Festival fireworks. And the night exhaled with us and cooled the streets.

Some late night quotes which I blame entirely on the chill:

J:"I bet lembas tastes like birthday cake and looks like a fish fry."

A:"Do you use the Dwarvish, Elvish or Mannish words for things?"

J:"You know you have a problem when you start dreaming about Greeks."

A:"This conversation is awesome."

A:"This conversation needs more wine."

J:"Leave it to the Canadians to have their Fourth of July on the First."

And then the clacking wooden windchimes chased us indoors.

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