Tuesday, August 23, 2005

First drink's on me. Let me get my hat.

That's it. I'm watching it tonight.

Some snippets within the last few minutes since discovering this. (Journal hours 22-20)

A: "We're going to have to bring tissues. It's going to get tearful. Whoa. Are you crying right now?"
J: "Shut yer mouth."

A: "It's going to be like Iron Giant all over again."
J: "No. It's going to be like the last words of the Iron Giant said for two hours straight."

J: "I heard that they're using some of the original Williams music. As soon as that shit starts, the wailing will begin. Loud wailing. Loud and embarassing."

A: "We're not watching it with your parents, I don't want them to see me cry."

A: "Christ, woman. Pull yourself together."


goose said...

Is it ComicCon?? What is it? Why is it so sad? I can't download it to watch it, blast this infernal dial up!

Mike Garvey said...

must... not... get... hopes... up...