Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Excuse me...?

A late nod to the beginning of the Year of the Dog. I got a little lazy with the corner.

Nearly every day I pass this guy and his dog. They stand on the same napkin of a lawn, facing the same direction, long noses and intelligent eyes trained on the traffic from Chapin. They're grizzled and grey and have barely one good leg between them to stand on. As a result they end up leaning into each other and swaying in a tangle of scarf and leash and winter grass.

They're there when I go and when I come back and are largely ignored by the fast, purposeless afternoon walkers. But I've a nagging feeling that they are waiting for the right someone to ask the right question. Or any question. And then whatever door they are guarding will swing idly open.


Mike Garvey said...

I like it. There are a few times during the day when I'm not expected to do anything that I consider small vacations. Just stand there and exist until whatever is next on your schedule comes around. Waiting for an elevator, letting the car heat up, microwaving something, etc. Everyone, like your dog owner, needs a tiny moment of zen just to refocus every now and then.

Greg said...

I wonder if he'd be surprised if you let on that you could see him.