Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Food or Fur, do you think?

This is the pickup truck that I discovered outside of the house today.

The crew was busy fixing the gutters, or the roof, or the siding, or any of a thousand projects that needs addressing. But despite the clanging of industry, they were not what first caught my eye. No... It was the dead coyote in the bed.

When I asked if they had hit it this morning, Worker One shook his head. "Nope. (Worker Two) shot it yesterday--they're nothing but a nuisance."

I decided against mentioning that the smell of two day old dead vermin on our front lawn wasn't any less annoying, but instead complimented him on his choice of ornamentation.

Our image in the neighborhood needed a little tarnishing anyway.


Johnny said...

i really like that image. It's too bad the tongue wasn't lolling. That would have really sold the oddity of it.

Scott said...

You might be a Redneck if . . .

lisa said...

that's. disgusting.

GabsOSteel said...

it looks like it used to be cute. how could it have been a nuisance?

Greg said...

Gab, coyotes will eat your pets. they hunt in packs and bay for hours at night.
