Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Garlic don't work, boys.

In addition to the Mabinogian, I've included one more on my fall reading list. Discovered in the all-ages section of a Burlington VT BordersExpress. Next to the new Barbie Mermaid Adventures. The cover is what sells it. I was hopelessly snared by the blood red seas.

And of course the conversation that followed:

"Can't wait for what are sure to be the sequels--Vampolicemen and Vampediatricians."
"You mean Vamparatroopers?"
"No, Vampirouettists."


Greg said...

That title is awesome!
I recommend reading it while taking a mountain vacation in the Spanish VamPyrennes.

Scott said...

You did see that Tolkein's son has completed one of his unfinished books, right? I thought you or Alex would be all over that.

Jess said...

We don't mention that name in our household. Between Tolkien and Lee, I've had just about enough of Christophers ruining my JRR.

that said, we'll still be buying it on release.