Saturday, April 23, 2005

Stupidest Thing.


There aren't many--not because I'm not stupid, I'm really just not that adventurous. I guess most of the foolish things I've done have been in the name of "peace and quiet". Like going for a drunken run at eleven at night. Or sitting on tombstones at midnight. Or walking a couple miles into White Sands when the dunes were shifting. I do love me some silence.

My freshman year of college I was bullied into going to a Nine Inch Nails concert by some poser goth friends. While this may have demonstrated a shameful lack of backbone on my part, it wasn't in itself stupid. The fact that, after about an hour, I produced a rumpled piece of paper and a pencil from somewhere in the folds of my flannel men's shirt and started doing calculus homework does however count as Pretty Damn Dumb. I could kick myself now, but I guess the sight of (opening act) Marilyn Manson's pale, flapping penis was just too much for the uninitiated.
I'm also lucky that I didn't get my ass kicked. Goths aren't high on the badass ladder, but I'm betting they're a couple rungs above math geeks.

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