Monday, October 17, 2005

See how they run.

Who knew that burnt sienna was just so orange? I was counting on an umber flavor, or maybe a nice modest saffron, but instead I got something that would look more appropriate on a trick or treater, or in a pumpkin patch. No wonder they made such easy targets.

Perhaps I should take it as a sign to settle into something more seasonal from here out, but I've got a problem with expectations, especially my own, and my store of Halloween ideas is slender at present.


Scott said...

Maybe one of them could be Ray Charles. Or was that tasteless?

Jess said...

was he overly fond of orange? or farmers' wives? or Protestantism?

Greg said...

As much as I hate to say it, pretty much anything specifically Halloween-ish will seem tacky because it's all been done to death.

Maybe Jack of the Lantern or the rise of the Unseely Court? That'd be cool...

Jess said...

I hate to admit it, but I had to google 'unseely'.
google unseely, google unseely...say THAT three times in front of a mirror.

but I like.