Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Fake Plastic Something. Part 2.

I just. don't. know. what it could be.

Birdie cheerleading squad?
"Torture in Feathers and Beads" by an eight year old sadist, circa 1983?
The first unsuccessful attempt by Leda and the swan?
Baba Yaga's chariot?
Some totemic thing from the Spirit Land of my fathers, come to warn me?

Or maybe she's doing us a favor and it's our own little house god. Warding off bogeys and all attempts at good taste.


Johnny said...

Thats...horrible. Turly, mind numbingly horrible.

Biblical in scope.

Peter said...

Oh my god! Who could POSSIBLY see that and think, "Yes! For the front vestibule! YES!....YES."

goose said...

I love the Baba Yaga chariot call!

It could be:
a.) A new "crap" class pokemon named Crappilypuff.
b.) A poorly designed double pinwheel.
c.) A ceremonial headress for the Aztec lower class.
d.) Salvadore Dali's 2nd grade art project.
e.) The single worst, and yet best piece of white trash lawn decor I've ever seen!

Jess said...

"I choose you, Crappilypuff!"

Greg said...

It's Joan Rivers!

Johnny said...

Jess, you got an ad in here.

It's gonna move ya.
It's got a taste,
it gets right to ya!
Stupid ad,
it's taste, it's taste, it's taste
Is gonna piss ya off!